Web Design Trends That We’ve Seen in 2016


Web design trends are consistently changing. In order for your small business to continuously have a chance at competing, you need to consider some of the top web design trends in 2016. By following some of these web design trends for 2016 you can end up with a very strong website. One that is far more equipped to compete and get noticed against the competition:

These Web Design Trends Will Help You Get Noticed


Simplicity: Building a web interface that is designed to be extremely simple will help to set your small business apart. Companies across almost any industry are now focusing on user interfaces which are more functional and simpler than before. With the simplicity of the one page website in HTML 5 you can create some truly unique experiences.

Registration for your accounts: Account registration is a great way that you can collect user data. This data can be used for the future of your web presence and appealing to a new market. Many new websites feature registration boxes, subscriptions and more that can be used to gain demographic data about the users. Even if it’s just a simple sign up through social media. A streamlined sign up system will make it much easier to collect data and make the most of it.

Card style layout: A card style layout has become popular as a result of the use of Pinterest. Giant chunks of data can be presented across the screen in card style features. This difference and the rearrangement of the cards on screen can make for an excellent shape for your web design. As well as items that you can consistently update as features.


Consider some of the following excellent web design trends for 2016. So that you can update your small business website and make the most out of your online opportunities.



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